Preinflationary Dynamics of Power-Law Potential in Loop Quantum Cosmology †
M. Shahalam1 
[1] Institute for Advanced Physics &
关键词: inflation;    cosmology;    loop quantum gravity;   
DOI  :  10.3390/universe4080087
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article, I mainly discuss the dynamics of the pre-inflationary Universe for the potential V( ϕ )∝ϕ nwith n = 5 / 3 in the context of loop quantum cosmology, in which the big bang singularity is resolved by a non-singular quantum bounce. In the case of the kinetic energy-dominated initial conditions of the scalar field at the bounce, the numerical evolution of the Universe can be split up into three regimes: bouncing, transition, and slow-roll inflation. In the bouncing regime, the numerical evolution of the scale factor does not depend on a wide range of initial values, or on the inflationary potentials. I calculate the number of e-folds in the slow-roll regime, by which observationally identified initial conditions are obtained. Additionally, I display the phase portrait for the model under consideration.

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