Acta Periodica Technologica
Correlation between the lipophilicity and antifungal activity of some benzoxazole derivatives
关键词: benzoxazole derivatives;    antifungal activity;    lipophilicity;    quantitative structure-activity relationship;   
DOI  :  10.2298/APT1041177P
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the present work, a quantitative relationship between the lipophilicityand antifungal activity of some benzoxazole derivatives against Candidaalbicans was investigated by using QSAR (quantitative structure-activityrelationship) analyses. The descriptors which describe numerically thelipophilicity, logP, were calculated using Chem-Office Software version 7.0.The linear correlation between the minimal inhibitory concentration(log1/cMIC) and lipophilicity descriptors was investigated. The best QSARmodel predicting the antifungal activity of the investigated series ofbenzoxazole was developed. The results are discussed on the basis ofstatistical data. High agreement between theoretical and experimentalinhibitory values was obtained. The results of this study indicate that thelipophilicity parameter has a significant effect on antifungal activity ofthis class of compounds, which can be very useful in the design of newbiologically active molecules.

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