Applied Sciences
A Method to Improve the Accuracy of Pavement Crack Identification by Combining a Semantic Segmentation and Edge Detection Model
Bin Zhou1  Haiting Xia2  Feng Yan2  Rongxin Guo2  Peigen Li2 
[1] Yunnan Jiantou Boxin Engineering Construction Center Test Co., Ltd., Kunming 650217, China;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;
关键词: convolutional neural network;    crack detection;    semantic segmentation;    edge detection;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app12094714
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In recent years, deep learning-based detection methods have been applied to pavement crack detection. In practical applications, surface cracks are divided into inner and edge regions for pavements with rough surfaces and complex environments. This creates difficulties in the image detection task. This paper is inspired by the U-Net semantic segmentation network and holistically nested edge detection network. A side-output part is added to the U-Net decoder that performs edge extraction and deep supervision. A network model combining two tasks that can output the semantic segmentation results of the crack image and the edge detection results of different scales is proposed. The model can be used for other tasks that need both semantic segmentation and edge detection. Finally, the segmentation and edge images are fused using different methods to improve the crack detection accuracy. The experimental results show that mean intersection over union reaches 69.32 on our dataset and 61.05 on another pavement dataset group that did not participate in training. Our model is better than other detection methods based on deep learning. The proposed method can increase the MIoU value by up to 5.55 and increase the MPA value by up to 10.41 when compared to previous semantic segmentation models.

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