Defence Technology
Effect of the end cap on the fragment velocity distribution of a cylindrical cased charge
Jian-bing Men1  Jian-wei Jiang2  Wei Liao3  Han Liu3  Shu-you Wang3  Mei Li3 
[1] State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China;Corresponding author.;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China;
关键词: Cylindrical cased explosive;    Fragments velocity;    End cap;    X-ray radiography;    Gurney formula;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The prediction of the fragment velocity distribution of a cylindrical cased charge with end caps is one of the key issues to assess the damage efficiency of the warhead. However, limited work has been conducted to predict the fragment velocity distributions along the axis of cylindrical cased charges with end caps. This paper presents a study of the velocity distribution of fragments caused by the explosion of a cylindrical cased charge with end caps. The fragment velocity distribution and the end cap velocity were determined by an X-ray radiography method, and the axial fragment distribution was determined by witness plates. It was found that the velocities of fragments, especially near the edge, were increased when the end caps were added, and the position of maximum velocity is closer to the non-detonation end. The fragment velocities were increased, and the fragment projection range was decreased with the increase of the thickness of the end cap. A formula for fragment velocity distributions of a cylindrical cased charge with end caps, which is based on Huang’s formula, was proposed by the theoretical analysis and data fitting and validated experimentally. The results indicate that the proposed formula is accurate in predicting the fragment velocity distribution along the axis of a cylindrical cased charge with end caps detonated at one end.

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