Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Solving one- and two-dimensional unsteady Burgers' equation using fully implicit finite difference schemes
N. A. Mohamed1 
[1] Zagazig University;
关键词: burgers equation;    finite difference method;    nonlinear analysis;    reynolds number;    error analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1080/25765299.2019.1613746
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper introduces new fully implicit numerical schemes for solving 1D and 2D unsteady Burgers' equation. The non-linear Burgers' equation is discretized in the spatial direction by using second order Finite difference method which converts the Burgers' equation to non-linear system of ODEs. Then, the backward differentiation formula of order two (BDF-2) is employed to march the solution in the time direction. The non-linear term in the obtained system is linearized without any transformation; and it forms a system of linear algebraic equations that is solved by using Thomas's algorithm. Accuracy and performance of the proposed schemes are studied by using four test problems with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Comparing the numerical results with exact solutions and the solutions of other schemes shows that the proposed schemes are simple, efficient and accurate even for the cases with high Reynolds numbers.

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