Damage Detection and Localization under Variable Environmental Conditions Using Compressed and Reconstructed Bayesian Virtual Sensor Data
Jyrki Kullaa1 
[1] Department of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa, Finland;
关键词: data compression;    data reconstruction;    virtual sensing;    damage detection;    damage localization;    optimal sensor placement;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s22010306
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Structural health monitoring (SHM) with a dense sensor network and repeated vibration measurements produces lots of data that have to be stored. If the sensor network is redundant, data compression is possible by storing the signals of selected Bayesian virtual sensors only, from which the omitted signals can be reconstructed with higher accuracy than the actual measurement. The selection of the virtual sensors for storage is done individually for each measurement based on the reconstruction accuracy. Data compression and reconstruction for SHM is the main novelty of this paper. The stored and reconstructed signals are used for damage detection and localization in the time domain using spatial or spatiotemporal correlation. Whitening transformation is applied to the training data to take the environmental or operational influences into account. The first principal component of the residuals is used to localize damage and also to design the extreme value statistics control chart for damage detection. The proposed method was studied with a numerical model of a frame structure with a dense accelerometer or strain sensor network. Only five acceleration or three strain signals out of the total 59 signals were stored. The stored and reconstructed data outperformed the raw measurement data in damage detection and localization.

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