La « mise en scène » des banlieues dans le récit des migrations : une analyse du cinéma italien de l’après-guerre à aujourd’hui
关键词: migration;    cinema;    urban environment;    border;    peripheral universe;    suburbs;   
DOI  :  10.4000/itineraires.3562
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The relationship between cinema and migration is illustrated when analyzing movies dealing with migration. By dissected the plot and scenes regarding the urban environment (with particular attention to the suburb universe). The set and costume design are investigated and interpreted as physical and symbolic lands, through a comparative reading of the movies on Italian emigration (both internally and abroad) and those on foreign immigration within Italy. To understand the urban space, within its socially-symbolic meanings and boundaries, and how this space influences the migratory process, we have to ask, “Where are the possible places for migrants?” Through this discussion, we will notice two things: First, the essential interaction between human behavior and the great urban environments. In these areas the suburbs become the privileged setting for many migration stories especially as a space of first settlement. Secondly, we see how the change in the representation of the relationship between migrants and the urban space, referred to as “Environmental degradation,” becomes a place of life. This definition creates an implied peripheral within the human existence.

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