Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Economic pulse electrodeposition for flexible CuInSe2 solar cells
Sreekanth Mandati1  Divya Boosagulla1  Prashant Misra1  Tata Naransinga Rao1  Bulusu V. Sarada1 
[1]Center for Solar Energy Materials, International Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI)
关键词: Copper indium selenide;    Pulse electrodeposition;    Thin films;    Solar cells;    Flexible photovoltaics;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s40243-020-00177-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Electrodeposition is one of the leading non-vacuum techniques for the fabrication of CuInSe2 (CIS)-based solar cells. In the present work, pulse electrodeposition, an advanced technique, is utilized effectively for CIS absorber preparation devoid of any additives/complexing agents. An economic pulse electrodeposition is employed for the deposition of Cu/In stack followed by selenization to fabricate CIS absorbers on flexible and glass substrates. The approach uses a two-electrode system suitable for large area deposition and utilizes the fundamentals of pulse electrodeposition with appropriate optimization of parameters to obtain smooth Cu/In precursors. The selenized CIS absorbers are of 1 µm thick while possessing copper-poor composition (Cu/In ≈ 0.9) and tetragonal chalcopyrite phase. The fabricated devices have exhibited a power conversion efficiency of 5.2%. The technique can be further improved to obtain low-cost CIS solar cells which are suitable for various small-scale energy applications.
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