Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies
The relationship between school principals communicative behavior, job satisfaction and willingness to collaborate: Head of Educational Departments perceptions
Abdul- Mohsen Al-Qahtani1 
[1]College of Education- Kuwait University
关键词: Educational studies;   
DOI  :  10.24200/jeps.vol2iss2pp51-99
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This study aimed at exploring the relationship between the educational leaders’ communicative behavior (communication immediacy and communicative competence) and job satisfaction, communication satisfaction, and willingness to communicate as; perceived by department heads'. It also examined the effect of willingness to communicate as a personality trait on job satisfaction and communication satisfaction. The sample comprised 272 head of departments (132 males & 143 females). The results showed a statistically significant positivel relationship between educational leaders’ communicative behaviors and the level of job satisfaction, communication satisfaction, and willingness to collaborate.
【 授权许可】


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