Computer Science
Semantic Text Indexing
Zbigniew Kaleta1 
[1] AGH University of Science and Technology;
关键词: Natural Language ProcessingText Subject;    Semantic Analysis;    IndexingSemantic Analysis;   
DOI  :  10.7494/csci.2014.15.1.19
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article presents a specific issue of the semantic analysis of texts in natural language – text indexing and describes one field of its application (web browsing).The main part of this article describes the computer system assigning a set of semantic indexes (similar to keywords) to a particular text. The indexing algorithm employs a semantic dictionary to find specific words in a text, that represent a text content. Furthermore it compares two given sets of semantic indexes to determine texts’ similarity (assigning numerical value). The article describes the semantic dictionary – a tool essentialto accomplish this task and its usefulness, main concepts of the algorithm and test results.

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