IEEE Access
Modeling and Optimizing Energy Supply and Demand in Home Area Power Network (HAPN)
Daud Mustafa Minhas1  Georg Frey2 
[1] Chair of Automation and Energy Systems, Saarland University, Saarbr&x00FC;cken, Germany;
关键词: Smart home;    home area power network;    energy management system;    optimization;    scheduling;    demand side management;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962660
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Internet of energy based smart power grids demonstrate high in-feed from renewable energy resources (RESs) and lofty out-feed to energy consumers. Uncertainties evolved by incorporating RESs and time-varying energy consumption present immense challenges to the optimal control of smart power networks. To deal with these challenges, it is important to make the system deterministic by making time-ahead prediction and scheduling of power supply and demand. The present work confers a model of a co-scheduling framework, organizing cost-efficient activation of energy supply entities (ESEs) and load demands in a home area power network (HAPN). It integrates roof-top photovoltaic (PV) panels, diesel energy generator (DE), energy storage devices (ESDs), and smart load demands (SLDs) along with grid-supplied power. The scheduling model is based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) framework, incorporates a “min-max” optimization algorithm that reduces the daily energy bills, maintains high comfort level for the energy consumers, and increases the self-sufficiency of the home. The proposed strategy exploits the flexibility in dynamic energy price signals and SLDs of various classes, providing day-ahead cost-optimal scheduling decisions for incorporated energy entities. A linearized component-based model is developed, considering inefficiencies, taking various power phase modes of the SLDs along with the cost of operation, maintenance, and degradation of the equipment. A case study based on numerical analysis determines the particular features of the proposed HAPN model. Simulation results demonstrate the real prospect of our implemented strategy, utilizing a cost-effective optimal blend of distinct energy entities in a smart home.

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