Contribution of Different Pretreatments to the Thermal Stability and UV Resistance Performance of Cellulose Nanofiber Films
Lianxin Luo1  Xiaojun Yuan1  Xuchong Wang1  Sheng Zhang1  Shuangfei Wang1  Mingfu Li2 
[1] College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
关键词: cellulose nanofiber;    pretreatment;    lignin;    hemicellulose;    physicochemical properties;   
DOI  :  10.3390/coatings11020247
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Hot water (HW), green liquor (GL), and sodium chlorite (SC) pretreatments were used to pretreat sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and spruce (SP) and then to prepare cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) through high-pressure homogenization to explore the effect of physicochemical properties on the thermal stability and ultraviolet (UV) resistance performance of CNF films. The results indicated that the lignin content of HW-pretreated CNFs was higher than that of GL- and SC-pretreated CNFs, and the hemicellulose content of HW-pretreated CNFs was lower than that of GL- and SC-pretreated CNFs. The synergy of lignin and hemicellulose impacted the thermal stability of CNF films. The thermal stability of all the SP CNF films was higher than that of all the SCB CNF films. Hot water pretreatment improved the thermal stability of CNF films, and green liquor and sodium chlorite pretreatment decreased the thermal stability of CNF films. The highest thermal stability of SP-HW CNF films reached 392 °C, which was 5.4% higher than that of SP-SC CNF films. Furthermore, the ultraviolet resistance properties of different CNF films were as follows: SCB-HW > SCB-GL > SCB-SC and SP-HW > SP-GL > SP-SC. Green liquor pretreatment is an effective method to prepare CNFs. Conclusively, this research provides a basic theory for the preparation of CNFs and allows the improvement of CNF films in the application of thermal stability management and UV resistance fields.

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