Cyclic Behavior of Mortarless Brick Joints with Different Interlocking Shapes
Peng Liu1  Kun Lin2  Sai Zhao3  Hongjun Liu3 
[1] Civil, Engineering Disaster Prevention &Reduction, Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China;;Shenzhen Engineering Lab for Wind Environment and Technology, Shenzhen Key Lab of Urban &
关键词: mortarless brick joints;    interlocking shapes;    cyclic loads;    shear-compression behavior;    experiment;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ma9030166
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The framed structure infilled with a mortarless brick (MB) panel exhibits considerable in-plane energy dissipation because of the relative sliding between bricks and good out-of-plane stability resulting from the use of interlocking mechanisms. The cyclic behaviors of MB are investigated experimentally in this study. Two different types of bricks, namely non-interlocking mortarless brick (N-IMB) and interlocking mortarless brick (IMB), are examined experimentally. The cyclic behavior of all of the joints (N-IMB and IMB) are investigated in consideration of the effects of interlocking shapes, loading compression stress levels and loading cycles. The hysteretic loops of N-IMB and IMB joints are obtained, according to which a mechanical model is developed. The Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is employed to describe the shear failure modes of all of the investigated joints. A typical frictional behavior is observed for the N-IMB joints, and a significant stiffening effect is observed for the IMB joints during their sliding stage. The friction coefficients of all of the researched joints increase with the augmentation of the compression stress level and improvement of the smoothness of the interlocking surfaces. An increase in the loading cycle results in a decrease in the friction coefficients of all of the joints. The degradation rate (DR) of the friction coefficients increases with the reduction in the smoothness of the interlocking surface.

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