Applied Sciences
Characteristics of Effervescent Tablets of Lactobacilli Supplemented with Chinese Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and Polygonatum sibiricum
Lingling Meng1  Jinhan Yu1  Feng Zhao1  Tiehua Zhang1  Meng Li1 
[1]College of Food Science and Engineering, Jilin University, 5333 Xi’an Road, Changchun 130062, China
关键词: lactobacilli effervescent tablets;    Chinese ginseng;    Polygonatum sibiricum;    lactobacilli viability;    antibacterial activity;    organoleptic assessment;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app10093194
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Development of probiotic products has always been popular in the food industry. Considering the advantages of effervescent tablets, developing probiotic products in effervescent tablet form was conducted in this study. Besides three Lactobacillus species, whole root powders of two medicine food homology herbs, Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and Polygonatum sibiricum, were added to the formulation in equal amounts for multiple health care functions. Using the plate counting method, the viability of lactobacilli was measured. After tabletting, lactobacilli viability in tablets containing the two herbs, L-group (20 mg herbs/tablet), M-group (60 mg herbs/tablet), and H-group (100 mg herbs/tablet) was higher than that in the control (containing no herbs). After tablet disintegration, the survival rate of lactobacilli after gastrointestinal fluids treatment was measured; it was higher for the L-group and the H-group than for the control. After incubation with dissolved tablets for 1 h, the lethal rate of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli O157:H7 for tablets containing the herbs was lower than that for the control. In the organoleptic assessment test, the L-group and the control were preferred to the M-group and the H-group. During storage at 25 °C for two months, the viability of lactobacilli in tablets containing the herbs was similar to that in the control. In conclusion, the formulation of the L-group has the best characteristics.
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