RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics
Mindfulness in Intercultural Communication: A Qualitative Analysis Experience
Natalya V. Tkachenko1  Oleg E. Khukhlaev1 
[1]Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
关键词: mindfulness;    focused attention;    awareness of oneself and another;    acceptance of the other without condemnation;    inhibition of automatic responses;   
DOI  :  10.22363/2313-1683-2022-19-1-110-127
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The study of intercultural communication has recently become one of the topical issues in the psychology of intergroup relations, intercultural communication and social psychology. Intercultural communication is considered within the framework of communication theory and describes the features and mechanisms underlying effective communication. The integrative communication model, previously described by the authors of this article, made it necessary to test the role of mindfulness in intercultural communication. The aim of this research is to analyze the contribution of mindfulness to the situation of intercultural interaction using qualitative research methods. The research was carried out based on the theoretical model of interpersonal mindfulness described at the following levels: (1) concentration on the present, presence; (2) attentive awareness of both oneself and the other; (3) acceptance of the other without condemnation, and (4) inhibition of automatic responses. Using the method of in-depth interviews and subsequent thematic and phenomenological data analysis, the authors were able to describe the mechanisms of mindfulness in intercultural communication in general and at each of the four analytical levels separately. The data obtained as a result of the analysis made it possible to reveal the content of each of the levels of mindfulness. Conclusions were also made about the content of the goals and values of intercultural communication, the motives for specific practices in the life and communication of informants. Methods for controlling reactivity in a situation of uncertainty in intercultural communication were analyzed and the roles of attitudes towards accepting the other without condemnation were described. The results of this study can serve as a basis for the development of an integrative model that will describe the role of anxiety and uncertainty in intercultural communication and allow the data to be operationalized into measuring scales for quantitative research in the field of assessing the role of mindfulness in intercultural communication.
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