RUDN Journal of Political Science
The Transformation of Modern Social-Political Life in the Scopes of Rising Communication Environment
A H Voskanyan1 
[1] Российский университет дружбы народов;
关键词: глобализация;    информатизация;    интеграция;    многоуровневая и многополярная коммуникация;    интернет-среда;    сетевое общество;    NETократизация;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is dedicated to several key aspects of political communication in the light of the common processes of integration, informatization and globalization. The main political challenges of the rising communication environment are considered in this article. Some features of the so-called Internetization of the society and the influence of the new media in different countries are in the limelight of discussions as well. Within various theoretical and conceptual frameworks the issues of the decline of the state, emergence of new political actors and necessity of realization of multi-polar communication policy are studied.

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