Metabolomics and Fetal-Neonatal Nutrition: Between “Not Enough” and “Too Much”
关键词: metabolomics;    nutrition;    SGA;    LGA;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules181011724
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Metabolomics is a new analytical technique defined as the study of the complex system of metabolites that is capable of describing the biochemical phenotype of a biological system. In recent years the literature has shown an increasing interest in paediatric obesity and the onset of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Some studies show that fetal malnutrition, both excessive and insufficient, may permanently alter the metabolic processes of the fetus and increase the risk of future chronic pathologies. At present then, attention is being focused mainly on the formulation of new hypotheses, by means of metabolomics, concerning the biological mechanisms to departure from fetal-neonatal life that may predispose to the development of these diseases.

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