Bìznes Inform
The Model of Influence of Regulatory Policy on the National Economy
Kolupaieva Irina V.1 
[1] Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of International Economic Relations and Finance, Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics;
关键词: regulatory policy;    national economy;    influence model;    GDP;    tax system;    instrumentarium of the State regulation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is aimed at developing a model of influence of regulatory policy on the national economy. Structural changes in the national economy were analyzed, and the existing problems were determined: a significant excess of the gross external debt over the GDP of Ukraine over the last 2 years, which testifies to excessive credit load; very inconsistent dynamics of capital investments change by the sources of financing, confirming presence of unfavorable investment climate for foreign investors. The current priorities in the implementation of regulatory policy have been substantiated: increase of GDP per capita, and consequently, reduction of the total amount of arrears on all existing obligations; ensuring the availability of investments and optimizing of the structure of the sources of attracting. The result of the research on the influence of regulatory policy on the national economy is building of a model with reflection of relevant causal relationships. Its application is optimal in the context of economic substantiation of decisions on improvement of tax system.

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