Improved Framework for Assessing Vulnerability to Different Types of Urban Floods
Rui Yao1  Qiang Dai1  Shuliang Zhang1  Quntao Yang1 
[1] Key Laboratory of VGE of Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, China;
关键词: flood vulnerability;    urban pluvial flood;    fluvial flood;    compound flood;    flood modeling;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su12187668
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Vulnerability assessment is an essential tool in mitigating the impact of urban flooding. To date, most flood vulnerability research has focused on one type of flood, such as a pluvial or fluvial flood. However, cities can suffer from urban flooding for several reasons, such as precipitation and river levee overtopping. Therefore, a vulnerability assessment considering different types of floods (pluvial floods, fluvial floods, and compound flooding induced by both rainfall and river overtopping) was conducted in this study. First, a coupled urban flood model, considering both overland and sewer network flow, was developed using the storm water management model (SWMM) and LISFLOOD-FP model to simulate the different types of flood and applied to Lishui, China. Then, the results of the flood modeling were combined with a vulnerability curve to obtain the potential impact of flooding on different land-use classes. The results indicated that different types of floods could have different influence areas and result in various degrees of flood vulnerability for different land-use classes. The results also suggest that urban flood vulnerability can be underestimated due to a lack of consideration of the full flood-induced factors.

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