Sand- and Clay-Photocured-Geomembrane Interface Shear Characteristics Using Direct Shear Test
Henglin Xiao1  Zhangshuai Geng1  Lihua Li1  Wentao Li1  Han Yan1 
[1] School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China;
关键词: photocurable geomembrane;    direct shear test;    shear strength;    friction coefficient;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su13158201
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

It is well known that geomembranes frequently and easily fail at the seams, which has been a ubiquitous problem in various applications. To avoid the failure of geomembrane at the seams, photocuring was carried out with 1~5% photoinitiator and 2% carbon black powder. This geomembrane can be sprayed and cured on the soil surface. The obtained geomembrane was then used as a barrier, separator, or reinforcement. In this study, the direct shear tests were carried out with the aim to investigate the interfacial characteristics of photocured geomembrane–clay/sand. The results show that a 2% photoinitiator has a significant effect on the impermeable layer for the photocured geomembrane–clay interface. As for the photocured geomembrane–sand interface, it is reasonable to choose a geomembrane made from a 4% photoinitiator at the boundary of the drainage layer and the impermeable layer in the landfill. In the cover system, it is reasonable to choose a 5% photoinitiator geomembrane. Moreover, as for the interface between the photocurable geomembrane and clay/sand, the friction coefficient increases initially and decreases afterward with the increase of normal stress. Furthermore, the friction angle of the interface between photocurable geomembrane and sand is larger than that of the photocurable geomembrane–clay interface. In other words, the interface between photocurable geomembrane and sand has better shear and tensile crack resistance.

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