Processing and Properties of Zirconia-Toughened Alumina Prepared by Gelcasting
Elizabeth Kolos1  Andrew J. Ruys1  Salam Abbas2  Saeed Maleksaeedi2 
[1] Biomedical Engineering, School of AMME J07, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Australia;Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075, Singapore;
关键词: gelcasting;    ceramic;    suspension;    zirconia;    alumina;    osmotic;    solid loading;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ma8074344
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) using yttria-stabilised zirconia is a good option for ceramic-ceramic bearing couples for hip joint replacement. Gelcasting is a colloidal processing technique capable of producing complex products with a range of dimensions and materials by a relatively low-cost production process. Using gelcasting, ZTA samples were prepared, optimising the stages of fabrication, including slurry preparation with varying solid loadings, moulding and de-moulding, drying and sintering. Density, hardness, fracture toughness, flexural strength and grain size were observed relative to slurry solid loadings between 58 and 62 vol. %, as well as sintering temperatures of 1550 °C and1650 °C. Optimal conditions found were plastic mould, 4000 g/mol PEG with 30 vol. % concentration, 61% solid loading and Ts = 1550 °C. ZTA samples of high density (maximum 99.1%), high hardness (maximum 1902 HV), high fracture toughness (maximum 5.43 MPa m1/2) and high flexural strength (maximum 618 MPa) were successfully prepared by gelcasting and pressureless sintering.

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