Revista Katálysis
Domestic Violence as a Theme of Study in Graduate Programs in Rio de Janeiro State
Sueli Bulhões da Silva1  Antonio Carlos de Oliveira1 
[1]PUCRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
关键词: violência doméstica;    produção discente;    programas de pós-graduação no estado do rio de janeiro;    domestic violence;    graduate student production;    graduate programs in rio de janeiro;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1414-49802008000200004
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article discusses the results of a study that sought to map the production of master’s and doctoral students concerning domestic violence, from 1990 to 2006,in graduate programs of Social Work, Psychology and Public Health at institutions located in Rio de Janeiro State. The study focused on the analysis of trends, advances and gaps in this production and revealed a prevalence of studies of children and youth, a change of focus from characterization of the phenomenon to a discussion of its dynamic and a reduced number of studies about the elderly.
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