Texto Poético
The João Cabral effect in Portuguese poetry
Rosa Maria Martelo1 
[1] Universidade do Porto;
关键词: anos sessenta;    poesia portuguesa;    joão cabral de melo neto;   
DOI  :  10.25094/rtp.2018n25a539
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In 1960, João Cabral de Melo Neto published the first edition of Quaderna in Lisbon, by Guimarães Editores, under the “curatorship” of Alexandre O’Neill. The Brazilian authorship probably explains why this book is not mentioned as one of the works that carried out a process of rupture in the early 60’s Portuguese poetry. And yet this work seems to have been relevant for the renewal of poetry in that decade. These brief notes try to show why.

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