International Journal of Integrated Care
Determining eligibility for long-term care - lessons from Germany
Klaus Wingenfeld1  Doris Schaeffer2  Andreas Buescher3 
[1] Institute of Nursing Science at the University of Bielefeld (IPW);Institute of Nursing Science at the University of Bielefeld;University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck;
关键词: long-term care;    eligibility criteria;    assessment tool;    Germany;   
DOI  :  10.5334/ijic.584
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Objectives: This paper addresses recent steps for reforming the eligibility criteria of the German long-term care insurance that have been initiated to overcome shortcomings in the current system.Methods: Based on findings of a survey of international long-term care systems, assessment tools and the relevant literature on care needs a new tool for determining eligibility in the German long-term care insurance was developed. Results: The new tool for determining long-term care eligibility broadens the understanding of what ‚dependency on nursing care' implies for the person affected. The assessment results in a degree of dependency from personal help provided by formal or informal caregivers. This degree of dependency can be used for determining eligibility for and the amount of long-term care benefits. Discussion: The broader understanding of "dependency on nursing care' and the new tool are important steps to adapt the German long-term care insurance to the challenges of the demographic and societal changes in the future

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