Obrazovanie i Nauka
E. F. Zeer1  O. V. Krezhevskikh2 
[1] Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University;Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University;
关键词: trans-professionalism;    additional education;    convergence of technologies;    transfession;    structural-functional model;   
DOI  :  10.17853/1994-5639-2018-7-90-108
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Introduction. Dynamic changes of the labour market and blurring of the boundaries of professional functions of a modern expert dictate the need for trans-professionalism development. Trans-professionalism development involves such meta qualities as social and professional mobility, communicativeness, developed emotional intelligence, innovation, tolerance for uncertainty, etc. All members of multi-disciplinary projects have to possess the listed above characteristics. Joint activity of several professional groups requires the participants of the project to possess the following skills and abilities: search for the consistent principles of work; “common language”; coherence of various abilities, caused by specifics of their occupation, to differentiate duties and to work harmoniously in neutral spheres; mastering of new roles in the cooperation process.The aim of the publication is to present a product of structural-functional modelling which is the socio-humanitarian educational platform of trans-professionalism development of professionals involved in multi-disciplinary projects (hereinafter the “Platform”).Methodology and research methods. The authors used a comparative analysis and generalization of the models of the multi-professional relations offered by foreign and Russian authors. The methodological framework of the research was based on the following approaches to the design of the Platform: multidimensional, trans-disciplinary, network, design, nonlinear synergetic, and transpective competency-based.Results and scientific novelty. The structural and functional model of the Platform has been developed and described. The Platform model has a block-modular organization. It consists of three blocks: basic (invariant), poly professional and functional. The technological basis of the Platform is social and humanitarian educational technologies.The authors highlighted the principles of the Platform. In the present study, the authors substantiated the importance of the development of the structural and functional model of the Platform in terms of additional education. The presented model of the Platform accumulates the results of theoretical and applied research in the field of vocational education. For the first time, different models of multi-professional relations (from inter-professional to trans-professional) have been used in a single course of additional education. The development of adjacent areas of activity is a stage for the development of distant, non-contiguous areas. Interactive development of these spheres is facilitated by immersion of listeners in the poly professional communicative environments. The result of the implementation of the Platform is a trans-professional project of the full life cycle.Practical significance. The results of the study can be partially or fully applied in the system of additional education.

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