“More Hands” Means “More Ideas”: Collaborationin the Humanities
Lynne Siemens1 
[1]School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada
关键词: collaboration;    team research;    Humanities;    case study;    INKE;   
DOI  :  10.3390/h4030353
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Like those in the Sciences and Social Sciences, humanities researchers are turning to collaborations to explore increasingly complex questions and implement new forms of methodologies. Granting agencies are supporting this trend with specific programs focused on highly collaborative research. While researchers and other associated team members welcome these collaborations as a way to undertake projects that would not be otherwise possible, work needs to be done to prepare individuals for team research. This becomes especially important for those in the Humanities who have been trained in single author work patterns and rewarded for those. Given this, what does collaboration look like in Humanities research? This paper will explore the experience of a large scale Humanities collaboration to understand the nature of collaboration, benefits and challenges and conclude with best practices for individuals and teams considering collaborative research.
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