Journal of Tropical Life Science | |
Pharmacognostic Investigation of Clerodendrumphlomidis Linn. f. Root | |
Ajay Kumar1  Dinesh Kumar1  Om Prakash2  | |
[1] Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kurukshetra University,Kurukshetra - 136119, India;Manav Bharti University, Solan - 173229, Himachal Pradesh, India; | |
关键词: Clerodendrumphlomidis L.; Microscopy; Physico - chemical; Fluorescence analysis; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Thepresent studywasaimed toperformthepharmacognosticevaluationof Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn.f. root intermsoforganoleptic, fluorescenceanalysis,macro-microscopy andphysicochemical parameters.The characteristic macroscopic study showedthattherootconsistsof 7-15cmlong,0.2 -3.0 cm thick pieces which are cylindrical, tough and yellowish-brown externally, with hard fracture and slightly astringent taste. The main microscopic characters of the root show exfoliating cork, having10-15rowsoftangentiallyelongated,thick-walledcells. Cortexconsistsofroundtoovalparenchymatous cells, a few containing rhomboid shaped calcium oxalate crystals. Endodermis consists of 3- 4 layers of non-lignified,thick-walledroundedparenchymatouscellsfollowedbyasingle pericycliclayer.Phloem consistsofisodiametric,thin-walled,parenchymatouscellswhereasxylemcontainslignifiedpitted vessels.Medullaryraysconsistingofbiseriatelayeroflignifiedandradiallyelongatedparenchymatous cells isnarrowerinthexylemregion during widerinthephloemregion. Thephysicochemicalanalysis of the root, i.e.,total ash, water-soluble ash, sulphated ash are 7.8, 0.9 and 10.3 (% w/w) respectively. Further successiveextractionoftherootpowderwithpetroleumether,chloroform,alcohol,water yielded 2.2, 2.4, 12.4 and 9.6 (% w/w)extracts respectively. Fluorescence study imparted characteristic colours totherootpowderwhenobservedundervisible,shortandlongwavelengthlight.Various pharmacognostic parameters evaluated in this study helps inbotanical identification and standardization of Clerodendrum phlomidis L. root part incrudeform andprovidetheauthenticdatafortheresearchers and scientists involved in carrying out further research on this plant part.
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