Journal of Agricultural Machinery
Study on Agricultural Mechanization Indexes of Small Farms in Khorasan Razavi Province and Suggesting Possible Improvement
关键词: Agricultural Mechanization;    Small Farms;   
DOI  :  10.22067/jam.v1i1.10079
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The major part of agriculture in Iran and especially in Khorasan province is yeoman farmers, and often the parts are less than one hectare. To evaluate the status of small farm mechanization (less than two hectares) in Khorasan Razavi province, three agricultural sub-regions that running small farms were identified. This research was carried out in 2009. The questionnaire was prepared for gathering basis and field information to determine the mechanization coefficients. The questionnaires were completed for total number of farmers in the areas studied. Results showed that mean of mechanization level and total mechanization degree were 3.36 hp per hectare and 37.7 percent respectively. The mean of mechanization degree in tillage was calculated 98.3 percent. The mean power coefficient and the average hectare per tractor were 4.37 and 27.62 respectively. The farmers only use power available for the tillage in these regions. They were not able to use of tractors in other operations, because of being small farm, lack of technical knowledge and lack of implements. Development of mechanization cooperatives, training of farmers and conformity of machine and farm area can increase mechanization indexes and to decrease production costs.

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