Self-Sufficiency Assessment: Defining the Foodshed Spatial Signature of Supply Chains for Beef in Avignon, France
Michel Mouléry1  Marta Debolini1  Claude Napoléone1  Esther Sanz Sanz1  José Luis Vicente-Vicente2  Luc Mabire3  Didier Josselin3 
[1] French National Institute for Research on Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), UR-Ecodéveloppement, 228 route de l’aérodrome CS 40509, CEDEX 9, 84914 Avignon, France;Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany;UMR ESPACE 7300, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Campus Hannah Arendt, Avignon University, 74 Rue Louis Pasteur, 84029 Avignon, France;
关键词: foodshed archipelago;    proximity food supply chains;    spatial signature;    city-region;    food self-sufficiency;    regional food security;   
DOI  :  10.3390/agriculture12030419
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Foodshed approaches allow for the assessment of the theoretical food self-sufficiency capacity of a specific region based on biophysical conditions. Recent analyses show that the focus needs to be shifted from foodshed size portrayed as an isotropic circle to a commodity–group-specific spatial configuration of the foodshed that takes into account the socio-economic and biophysical conditions essential to the development of local food supply chains. We focused on a specific animal product (beef) and used an innovative modeling approach based on spatial analysis to detect the areas of the foodshed dedicated to beef feeding (forage, pasture, and grassland), considering the foodshed as a complex of complementary areas called an archipelago. We used available statistical data including a census to address the city-region of Avignon, France covering a 100 km radius. Our results showed that the factors driving the use of short supply chains for beef feeding areas are the foodshed archipelago’s number of patches, the connectivity between them, and the rugosity of the boundaries. In addition, our beef self-sufficiency assessment results differ depending on geographical context. For instance, being located within the perimeters of a nature park seems to help orient beef production toward short supply chains. We discuss possible leverage for public action to reconnect beef production areas to consumption areas (the city) via short supply chains (e.g., green, home-grown school food programs) to increase local food security through increased local food self-sufficiency.

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