Utbildning & Demokrati
Den professionella lärarens möjlighetsvillkor
关键词: teacher;    institutionalism;    professionalism;    grading;    de-coupling;    legitimacy;   
DOI  :  10.48059/uod.v24i2.1035
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

n this article I discuss the terms of existence of a professional teacher in a Swedish school in light of the last two decades of school reforms. Drawing from my doctoral thesis, A reformed teacher, I investigate the intersections between school practice and school policies. I combine curriculum theory with the new institutional concept de-coupling to discuss the central aspects of teachers’ daily work. The study focuses on two topics: grading and the professional teacher. In policy texts I could see an increased focus on teachers’ grading and different options to control teachers’ practice in terms of accountability. In teacher interviews, grading and accountability tasks were often expressed as being in opposition to teaching and the ability to work as a professional. The consequence being that there are two views of what a professional teacher is and should be, which stand in stark contrast to each other. This concern could potentially precipitate a professional crisis, leading to a teaching force that, instead of claiming their pedagogical definition, places emphasis on performative practices defined from outside the teaching profession.

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