Applied Sciences
Assessment of Environmental Risks of Particulate Matter Emissions from Road Transport Based on the Emission Inventory
Krystian Szczepański1  Zdzisław Chłopek2  Hubert Sar2  Katarzyna Bebkiewicz3  Magdalena Zimakowska-Laskowska3 
[1]Institute of Environmental Protection—National Research Institute, 5/11D Krucza Str., 00-548 Warsaw, Poland
[2]Institute of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 84 Narbutta Str., 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
[3]National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE), Institute of Environmental Protection—National Research Institute, 132/134 Chmielna Str., 00-805 Warsaw, Poland
关键词: particulate matter;    TSP;    PM2.5;    PM10;    road transport;    environmental protection;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app11136123
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim of this study is to investigate the environmental hazards posed by solid particles resulting from road transport. To achieve this, a methodology used to inventory pollutant emissions was used in accordance with the recommendations of the EMEP/EEA (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme/European Economic Area). This paper classifies particulates derived from road transport with reference to their properties and sources of origin. The legal status of environmental protection against particulate matter is presented. The emissions of particulate matter with different properties from different road transport sources is examined based on the results of Poland’s inventory of pollutant emissions in the year 2018. This study was performed using areas with characteristic traffic conditions: inside and outside cities, as well as on highways and expressways. The effects of vehicles were classified according to Euro emissions standards into the categories relating to the emissions of different particulate matter types. The results obtained showed that technological progress in the automobile sector has largely contributed to a reduction in particulate matter emissions associated with engine exhaust gases, and that this has had slight effect on particulate matter emissions associated with the tribological processes of vehicles. The conclusion formed is that it is advisable to undertake work towards the control and reduction of road transport particulate matter emissions associated with the sources other than engine exhaust gases.
【 授权许可】


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