Trans-pasando Fronteras
Human Trafficking and the Sex Industry in Japan
Diana María Pena Rios1  Kameeka Shirley2  Thomas B. Chapman3  Taeko Karake4 
[1] Icesi University, Cali;New York University, NY;New York University;Sōka University, Tokyo;
关键词: Human trafficking;    Sex industry;    Japan;   
DOI  :  10.18046/retf.i5.1753
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper will examine the demand for the sex industry in Japan and the subsequent supply of foreign women from across the world. What drives demand for foreign women to work in the Japanese sex industry? What are the local drivers that bring women into the sex industry? How are the systems in place that brought these women across the world? What is the connection with organized crime, economic instability, and legal systems? This paper seeks to address these questions and pose possible solutions.

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