Economic, Energetic, and Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Water Discharge Networks from Mining Works
Sabina Irimie1  Sabin Ioan Irimie1  Andrei Cristian Rada2 
[1] Department Management and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mining, University of Petrosani, Street Institutului, No. 20, 332006 Petrosani, Romania;Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Transportation, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Petrosani, Street Institutului, No. 20, 332006 Petrosani, Romania;
关键词: sustainable development;    energy;    economic;    impact evaluation;    environment quality index;    aggregation method;    CAREEC chart;    mining;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su10010240
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Sustainable development represents an optimistic scenario for the evolution of contemporary civilization. The object of this paper is to define certain evaluation criteria regarding the performances of water discharge networks from mining works, and propose a method for aggregating the specific indicators for monetary costs, energetic costs, and environmental impact-related costs. The global pollution index (GPI) represents a method for assessing environment health status or pollution levels. The GPI quantitatively expresses this status based on its index, which results from a ratio between the ideal value and the given value of certain quality indices that are considered specific for the analyzed environmental factors at certain moments. The proposed method in this paper tries to perform a synergistic aggregation of the balance sheet of harmfulness and classic balance sheets for matter and energy for an industrial process.

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