Journal of the Scientific Society
Introducing the component of telemedicine in the undergraduate medical education training period
关键词: medical education;    telemedicine;    undergraduate;   
DOI  :  10.4103/jss.jss_29_21
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The field of telemedicine has shown exponential growth across the last few decades and has opened gateways for people living in distant geographical locations to access health care. The purpose of the current review was to explore the introduction of telemedicine during the medical education training period. An extensive search of all materials related to the topic was carried out in the PubMed search engine and a total of 13 articles were selected based upon the suitability with the current review objectives and analyzed. It is a fact that for the successful implementation of a telemedicine unit, the medical personnel plays a defining role. This calls for an indispensable need to expose the medical students to telemedicine during their training period, so that they are not only aware of the same but even prepared to use it in their future clinical practice. The need of the hour is to systematically introduce the telemedicine-related competencies in a standardized manner without stretching the overall duration of the medical training. In conclusion, telemedicine has emerged as an important aspect of the health-care delivery system, and thus it is quite essential that we expose medical students to telemedicine during their undergraduate period of training. We must remember that a lot of effort is required to ensure that the training of medical students in telemedicine remains meaningful, relevant, and holistic.

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