Le renouvellement de la ville algérienne par la démolition-reconstruction du vieux bâti. De la sanction à la recherche de légitimité, Cas de la ville d’Annaba
关键词: demolition;    reconstruction;    legitimacy;    urban renewal;    stakeholder;    private stakeholders;   
DOI  :  10.4000/cybergeo.26597
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The advanced state of the decrepitude of the old building of the Algerian city poses the dilemma of the demolition, no longer as tool-sanction but rather as “legitimated” tool towards the need for renewal and reconstruction. The recent changes of the Algerian city in general and of Annaba in particular require the introduction of new tools to accompany these transformations; transformations resulting from private initiatives encasing the step with the public action.
【 授权许可】


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