Journal of Biological Dynamics
Complex contagion leads to complex dynamics in models coupling behaviour and disease
Joseph Tien1  Matthew Osborne1  Xueying Wang2 
[1]The Ohio State University
[2]Washington State University
关键词: mathematical epidemiology;    behaviour;    coupled contagion;    compartmental model;    bistability;    periodic orbits;   
DOI  :  10.1080/17513758.2018.1549278
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Models coupling behaviour and disease as two unique but interacting contagions have existed since the mid 2000s. In these coupled contagion models, behaviour is typically treated as a ‘simple contagion’. However, the means of behaviour spread may in fact be more complex. We develop a family of disease-behaviour coupled contagion compartmental models in order to examine the effect of behavioural contagion type on disease-behaviour dynamics. Coupled contagion models treating behaviour as a simple contagion and a complex contagion are investigated, showing that behavioural contagion type can have a significant impact on dynamics. We find that a simple contagion behaviour leads to simple dynamics, while a complex contagion behaviour supports complex dynamics with the possibility of bistability and periodic orbits.
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