SN Applied Sciences
Sustainable shotcrete production with waste glass aggregates
Niki Jakson1  Harry Asche2  Mehdi Serati2  Sai Basireddy2  Gautam Malgotra2 
[1] GCP Applied Technologies;School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland;
关键词: Sustainability;    Shotcrete;    Sand depletion;    Crushed waste glass;    Mechanical properties;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s42452-022-04967-4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Article highlights This study investigates sand replacement with glass aggregates in shotcrete production for use in excavation industry. Tested shotcrete mixes containing glass aggregates exhibited a similar or higher strength properties at both early and late ages. Results suggest that waste glass reuse as synthetic aggregates can reduce water and cement consumption to generate a low-cost and eco-friendly shotcrete.

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