Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
The time-resolved atomic, molecular and optical science instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source
Jackson Shepard1  David Fritz1  Xiang Li1  Taran Driver1  James Cryan1  Philip Heimann1  Jordan T. O'Neal1  Justin James1  Agostino Marinelli1  Joe Robinson1  Adam Egger1  Matthew H. Seaberg1  Allen Pai1  Jeff Aldrich1  Stefan Moeller1  Timur Osipov1  Lance Lee1  Daniele Cocco1  Xiong Van1  Alan Conder1  Razib Obaid1  Peter Walter1  Hengzi Wang1  Jing Yin1  Ming-Fu Lin1  Thomas J. A. Wolf1  Peter Stefan1  James M. Glownia1  Anna Li Wang1  Kayla Ninh1  Andrei Kamalov1  Daniel S. Morton1  Jean-Charles Castagna1  Ivan Curiel1  Tyler Johnson1  May Ling Ng1  Nolan Brown1  Michael Holmes1  William Schlotter1  Xinxin Cheng1  Niranjan Shivaram1  Sameen Yunus1  Elio G. Champenois2 
[1] SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA;Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA;
关键词: lcls-ii;    fel;    amo;    attosecond;   
DOI  :  10.1107/S1600577522004283
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The newly constructed time-resolved atomic, molecular and optical science instrument (TMO) is configured to take full advantage of both linear accelerators at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the copper accelerator operating at a repetition rate of 120 Hz providing high per-pulse energy as well as the superconducting accelerator operating at a repetition rate of about 1 MHz providing high average intensity. Both accelerators power a soft X-ray free-electron laser with the new variable-gap undulator section. With this flexible light source, TMO supports many experimental techniques not previously available at LCLS and will have two X-ray beam focus spots in line. Thereby, TMO supports atomic, molecular and optical, strong-field and nonlinear science and will also host a designated new dynamic reaction microscope with a sub-micrometer X-ray focus spot. The flexible instrument design is optimized for studying ultrafast electronic and molecular phenomena and can take full advantage of the sub-femtosecond soft X-ray pulse generation program.

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