Geodetski Glasnik
Referentna stanica u Ohridu kao dioEvropske permanentne mreže (EPN) : Referent station in Ohrid as the part of European Permanent Network (EPN)
Zlatko Srbinoski1  Zlatko Bogdanovski1 
[1] Faculty of Civil Engineering, University “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Skopje, Macedonia;
关键词: GNSS;    GPS;    EUREF;    EPN;    permanent station;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Permanentna GNSS stanica u Ohridu je jedna od 244 stanica Evropske permanentne mreže. Republika Makedonija prateći savremene tokove uključila je ovu tačku u 2000. godini u EUREF permanentnu mrežu. Kvalitet ove stanice je dokazan i samim tim što spada u klasu A permanentnih stanica Evropske Permanentne Mreže sa tačnošću koordinata u ETRS89 sistemu od 1 cm u svim epohama i intenzitetu vektora pomjeranja od 1 mm godišnje. : Permanent GNSS station in Ohrid is one of 244 stations from European Permanent Network. Republic of Macedonia in july2000 follows modern trends and included this point in EUREF permanent network. The quality of this station has been proven because the station belongs to A class of Permanent stations from EPN with accuracy of 1 cm in ETRS89 in all epochs and intensity of velocities of 1 mm per year.

【 授权许可】


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