Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings
Investigation of the distribution of elastic waves in the composite cylinder with the initial torch
Jamile N Abdullayeva1  Mugan S Guliyev2  Alizade I Seyfullayev3 
[1] Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University;Ganja State University;Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
关键词: elastic waves;    torsion;    stress;    Bessel function;    MacDonald function;   
DOI  :  10.22363/1815-5235-2018-14-5-404-413
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of work. The work is devoted to the study of the propagation of axisymmetric longitudinal waves in a compound cylinder with initial torsion. Solution technique. The initial stresses in the cylinder are determined using the classical linear theory of elasticity. Methods for solving corresponding problems of intrinsic significance are proposed. Numerical results are given and their analysis is carried out. Results. It was found that the presence of initial torsion in cylinders does not exclude the appearance of an axisymmetric longitudinal and axisymmetric waves in a compound cylinder separately. It is found that, in the absence of initial torsion in the compound cylinder, there are intersection points between the dispersion curves corresponding to the modes of axially symmetric longitudinal and torsional waves. It is shown that in the case when initial torsion takes place on at least one cylinder, the axisymmetric longitudinal and torsional waves can not propagate separately, i.e. there is an interference between these two types of axisymmetric waves in a composite cylinder. Methods for solving the problem are developed and corresponding dispersion equations for a compound cylinder are obtained. Dispersion equations are solved and dispersion curves are obtained, an algorithm is developed for constructing these curves.

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