Vestnik MGSU | |
Potapova Irina Ivanovna1 Volkov Boris Vital’evich1 | |
[1] Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ASUACE); | |
关键词: competitiveness; features of functioning of construction industry enterprises; intellectual factors; internal and external factors of competitiveness of construction enterprises; production factors; world level; macro-level; meso-level; micro-level; financial and economic factors; | |
DOI : 10.22227/1997-0935.2017.12.1369-1374 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Competitiveness of construction enterprises is the most important characteristic of the enterprise activity, which every business entity must constantly evaluate and undertake various kinds of measures to increase it. The development and implementation of these activities should be carried out with a clear understanding of the content of the enterprise competitiveness, and also by forming and analyzing the list of factors that affect the competitiveness. Subject: competitiveness of construction industry enterprises. Research objectives: reflecting the content of the notion of enterprise competitiveness and the main factors of its provision in the construction industry. Materials and methods: in the process of research, we applied the principles of ascent from abstract to specific, the unity of logical analysis, systematization, structuring and generalization. In the process of writing the paper, we used research and educational literature, articles in periodicals, Internet sources. Results: it is proposed to adhere to an integrated approach, according to which the competitiveness of an enterprise should be understood as the ability of an enterprise to conduct activities in the market, outrunning competitors, effectively using its own internal capabilities and taking into account environmental factors, paying attention to market conditions, features of regional development, characteristics of the industry, and at the same time, making sufficient profit that allows the enterprise to increase its potential. It is important to note that the factors of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise are mostly divided into external and internal ones, which, of course, is suitable for construction companies because they are open systems influenced by factors of the external and internal environment. The conducted analysis of the external factors allowed us to divide them into four groups: world-class factors, macro-level factors, meso-level factors and micro-level factors. In turn, the internal factors were grouped as follows: production factors, financial and economic factors, intellectual factors. A detailed study of these factors led to the conclusion that they can have both a negative and a positive impact. Conclusions: the conducted research has allowed us to define the basic directions which promote increase of competitiveness of building enterprises. Among all such directions, the following ones should be highlighted: creation of an optimum volume of industrial and financial funds; availability of qualified personnel in the organization; application of modern technologies and innovative processes, effective marketing tools; execution of construction works taking into account the norms and rules established by the Russian legislation.
【 授权许可】