National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal | |
Supporting Students Living Below the Poverty Line | |
关键词: poverty; outside-of-school factors; homelessness; teacher reflection; community partnerships; student academic success; | |
DOI : 10.20429/nyarj.2017.020204 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
In this article, we focus on interrelated mechanisms and practices that support students living below the poverty line. Addressing the needs of students living below the poverty line requires that educators consider both the inside- and outside-of-school realities of students and their families. Before discussing the recommendations, we define poverty and describe the complex ways it may shape student realities. We then discuss why we believe recommendations to support students must account for student realities outside of school. Finally, we outline recommendations for educators interested in becoming “poverty-responsive,” meaning that they discontinue practices that do not support students in poverty and replace them with practices responsive to student needs. We offer three recommendations: (a) promote reflection among educators as a means to identify and discard any deeply held beliefs that are not in support of students living in poverty, (b) develop partnerships between educators and communities that address key outside-of-school factors shaping the learning experience of students living in poverty, and (c) ensure that educators teach students skills in targeted areas that are likely to improve their academic success.
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