AIMS Materials Science
Specialties of deformation and damage of the topocomposite on a ductile substrate during instrumental indentation
Nikolay A. Voronin1 
[1] Department of Tribology, A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Science Russian Academy of Sciences, Mal. Kharitonevsky per. 4, Moscow 101990, Russian Federation;
关键词: thin coatings;    topocomposites;    instru ductility;    mental indentation;    cohesive model;    interfacial fracture;    damage;   
DOI  :  10.3934/matersci.2020.4.453
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We studied the nature of deformation and damage of topocomposites with instrumental indentation. The topocomposite is considered as a layered system consisting of a solid thin coating coherently bonded to a substrate of a ductile solid material. The object of the study is a topocomposite that consists a coating of titanium nitride deposited by magnetron sputtering in vacuum on a substrate of aluminum alloy. Comparing the balance of energy spent at all stages of indentation using model and experimental diagrams of indentation, the contribution of work dissipated on the deformation to the layered system, on the interfacial delamination at the coating-substrate interface and on the formation of through circular cracks in the coating is estimated. The research results can be used for a qualitative estimation of the efficiency of functional surfaces of machine parts hardened with coatings and for calculating the characteristics of deformation and damage.

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