Materials and Geoenvironment
Use of a Combination of Vertical and Horizontal Boreholes in Massive Blasting of Benches in the Surface Quarry Rodež
Muhić Elvir1  Vajović Stanojle1  Goleš Niko1  Tori Matija1  Peternel Miha1 
[1]IRGO – Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment, Slovenčeva 93, 1000Ljubljana
关键词: quarry;    blasting;    seismic measurements;    din 4150;   
DOI  :  10.1515/rmzmag-2017-0017
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article deals with the extraction of minerals (limestone/marl/flysch) in the quarry Rodež, which is located in western Slovenia. During the extraction of minerals in a quarry, drilling and blasting of benches are used. The focus of the article is on the analysis of the parameters related to drilling and blasting in surface excavations when using a combination of explosions and introducing horizontal wells along with vertical holes in the bench. On the basis of the analysis of basic parameters through a combination of drilling horizontal wells and charging those with the ammonal + Anfex explosive, analyses of effects of seismic disturbances on potentially affected buildings have also been conducted. The article is connected to and deals exclusively with the basic parameters of drilling and blasting, with the introduction of horizontal drilling and with the analysis of seismic measurements of threatened buildings in accordance with the German standard German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) 4150 during the use of a new method of blasting.
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