Interventions Économiques pour une Alternative Sociale
Teenage Work: Its Precarious and Gendered Nature
关键词: employment;    inequalities;    precarious jobs;    teenage work;    young people;   
DOI  :  10.4000/interventionseconomiques.1895
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper examines the changes in the work of teenagers over time in Canada and relates this to policy changes in a neoliberal era. This focus on teenage work was prompted by the deterioration in public policy protections afforded all workers, but particularly the youngest during the dramatic neoliberal shifts in the 21st century. The study’s methodology focuses on an interview of 100 teenage students in the Vancouver area (50 male and 50 female) to understand how teenagers understand and experience their work. In addition to this primary material gained through interviews, labour force statistics are used to document the shifts in the patterns and intensity of teenage work over time in Canada. It focuses on the gendered distinction in teenage work, the shifting nature of teenage work, how the rewards from this work has deteriorated over time, and the blindness of public policy to adequately deal with the issues of new entrants into the labour market.

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