Tribology in Industry
Effect of Surface Roughness and Temperatureon EHL for Parallel Surfaces Subjectedto High Acceleration
U.A. Zia1  A.A. Baqai1  W. Akram1 
[1] National University of Science & Technology Peshawar Road, Islamabad- Pakistan;
关键词: Tribology;    Elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL);    Shear stress factor;    Viscosity;    Surface roughness;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Frictional wear is one of the most common causes of material failure. One of the most common techniques to overcome this is to lubricate the surfaces in contact using an optimum amount of appropriate lubricant. Same technique is utilized in the present case to overcome the problem of frictional wear between two parallel surfaces subjected to high acceleration. The lubrication solution proposed is a modification of “Numerical model for mixed lubrication” presented in 1990s. Present research is an extension of author’s previous work in the same. Here the smooth surfaces of the previous research have been replaced with rough surfaces having same surface roughness value. Also in order to study the effect of temperature the viscosity of lubricant is taken for different temperatures. Keeping in view the problem constraints as explained in section 3, certain modifications are proposed in the model of mixed lubrication. Outcome of the research is a graphical pattern showing the lubricant film thickness required at different positions between the contacting surfaces. Different grades of Krytox are used for the solution as it is nonflammable, anticorrosive Perfluoropolyether based grease, commonly used for high temperature cases. The results obtained by the numerical model are compared and found well-in-accordance with the experimental data available and with the analytical predictions made by scholars in the past, which verifies the applicability of the model chosen for solution.

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