Sensors & Transducers
Coordinating Reasoning Method for Semantic Sensor Networks
Shi Yun Ping1 
[1] Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications, 710121, China;
关键词: Sensor;    Semantic concept;    Coordinating reasoning;    SWCL;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) is a sensor network including semantics of sensory data and context information, and relationships between the semantics by using Semantic Web technologies. Even though much research has been activated on SSN, there is little activity on Semantic Concept researching and developments on SSN. We propose a coordinating reasoning method that preserves stability and integrity of reasoning under the original SWCL import semantics. The method is based on resolution methods for concepts that we modify to work in a coordinating setting. Results show a promising working time decrease compared to self-governed reasoning and illustrate the benefits from coordinating computation trade off the cost caused by communication between the local reasoning.

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