Science of Sintering
Influence of Mn site doping on electrical resistivity of polycrystalline La1-yAyMn1-xBxO3 (A=Ba, Sr; B=Cu, Cr, Co) Manganites
关键词: Manganites;    colossal magnetoresistance;    electrical resistivity;   
DOI  :  10.2298/SOS0801055P
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We have the measured electrical resistivity of La1-yBayMn1-xCuxO3 (0.17≤y≤0.30; 0.04≤x≤0.10), La1-ySryMn1-xCrxO3 and La1-ySryMn1-xCoxO3 (0.270≤y≤0.294; 0.02≤x≤0.10) polycrystalline samples in the 25-325 K temperature range. The increase of Mn site doping concentration leads to an increase of the electrical resistivity of the samples and the appearance of a “double-peak” structure in the electrical resistivity versus temperature graphs. The first peak represents the insulator-metal transition in vicinity of the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition (TC). We have found that the intensity of the second peak increases with an increase of concentration of Mn substituents, due to the hole scattering by the random potential of the Mn site impurities.

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