Real Estate Management and Valuation | |
Rules and Conditions for Placing Advertisements in Public Space Based on Examples of Selected Polish Cities | |
Płuciennik Monika1  | |
[1] Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences; | |
关键词: landscape protection; outdoor advertising; public space; act on landscape protection; rules and conditions of signboards locating; o21; r00; r58; r59; | |
DOI : 10.2478/remav-2018-0017 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The changes in law introduced by the so-called “Act on Landscape Protection” (Act on amending certain acts in connection with the strengthening of landscape protection tools of 24 April 2015) obliged local territorial self-government units to define the rules and conditions regarding the placement of street furniture, signboards and other advertisement carriers and fencing. The aim of the discussed local legislation act is, in particular, to define urban space used for the display of advertisements along with the determination of the size, quality standards and type of construction materials from which signboards and other advertising devices may be produced. The determination of urban space for the display of advertisements is a broad and multi-faceted issue. There are certain limitations that hinder or prevent the placement of posters, banners, signboards or advertising panels in public space. The study presents the measures taken by local territorial self-government units with respect to the placement of advertisements in selected Polish cities and attempts to compare and evaluate the rules and conditions for placing signboards and advertising devices in public space.
【 授权许可】