The Journal of Engineering
Detailed modelling and simulations of an all-DC PMSG-based offshore wind farm
Liangzhong Yao1  Tianyu Shi2  Libao Shi2 
[1] China Electric Power Research Institute;Tsinghua University;
关键词: synchronous generators;    HVDC power transmission;    wind power plants;    permanent magnet generators;    offshore installations;    wind turbines;    HVDC power convertors;    voltage-source convertors;    all-DC PMSG-based offshore wind farm;    detailed modelling method;    permanent magnet synchronous generator;    offshore DC substation;    complete electrical models;    engineering parameter settings;    wind speed conditions;    simulation results;    wind turbine;    voltage-sourced converter-high-voltage direct current transmission system;    isolated full bridge converter;    VSC-HVDC transmission system;    MATLAB;    Simulink;   
DOI  :  10.1049/joe.2018.8403
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A detailed modelling method and corresponding simulations for an all-DC offshore wind farm equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) are elaborately discussed and conducted. This all-DC wind farm is designed in series-connected topology with an offshore DC substation and a voltage-sourced converter−high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) transmission system. Some major components including wind turbine, synchronous generator, VSC, and isolated full bridge converter are all modelled based on the complete electrical models and engineering parameter settings. Containing the start process of the system, the simulations under various wind speed conditions and the specific faults analysis under different situations are carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink^TM environment. Simulation results reveal the comprehensive operating characteristics of this all-DC offshore wind farm and its system response to faults.

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